
Epsom & Ewell History
& Archaeology Society
Registered Charity No. 259221
1. The Society shall be known as the Epsom and Ewell History and Archaeology Society.
2. (i) The objects of the Society are:-
(a) to encourage, for the public benefit, interest in matters of archaeological and historical importance in Epsom and Ewell,
and also in Sutton, Cheam and Banstead if these objects are not already covered;
(b) to investigate, record and publish information about such matters;
(c) to use its influence to achieve the preservation of objects, buildings and sites of archaeological and/or historical
importance within the area that it covers.
(ii)For the purpose of furthering the objects, the Society shall, subject to resources, engage in activities such as the following:
(a) systematic excavation of local sites, as available, and emergency excavations, as necessary;
processing and study of finds from such excavations; publication of reports on them;
(b) systematic recording of surface and other finds of local antiquarian interest;
(c) recording by measurement and photography local buildings and other structures above the ground; publication of
reports on them;
(d) study of local records, printed and in manuscript, with a view to publication in Occasional arid other Papers;
(e) study of local planning applications with the purpose of achieving the conservation of historical buildings and other
environmental features; presentations at public enquiries;
(f) organisation of visits to places of historical interest, and to excavations;
(g) holding meetings, normally monthly with speakers on archaeological or historical subjects;
(h) issuing a newsletter, normally bi-monthly;
(i) as appropriate, co-operation with museums in the area which the Society covers;
(j) affiliation to, and co-operation with other bodies, local and national, having interests similar to those of the Society.
3. The Society shall be administered by a General Committee consisting of a Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer each of whom shall be elected each year, and eight other members, four of whom shall be elected each year to serve for a period of two years. On retirement Committee members shall be immediately eligible for re-election. Four General Committee members, including at least one officer, shall form a quorum. Any elected or co-opted member of the Committee who after notification and without reasonable excuse shall be absent from three consecutive meetings of the Committee shall be deemed to have resigned his membership of the Committee immediately after the third such meeting. The General Committee may appoint sub-committees, and co-opt members for special purposes. The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer for the time being shall be Trustees of the Society and ex-officio members of all sub-committees.
4. A President of the Society shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, and the term of office shall be until the next Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting shall have the power to invite persons to become Vice-Presidents or Honorary Life Members of the Society.
5. (i) Membership of the Society shall be open to anyone over the age of sixteen years, but younger members
may be admitted at the discretion of the General Committee. The General Committee shall have the power to refuse membership or to terminate it.
(ii) The classes of membership shall be:
I. Ordinary 3. Family of two or more persons in a household.
2. Full-time student 4. Institutional or Corporate body, including Schools.
(iii) Members shall be admitted upon payment of such annual subscription as may be decided upon by the Annual General
Such subscription shall be payable in respect of the whole or part of the twelve months ending December 31st each year,
except that members joining on or after 1st November become members until the end of the following year provided the
amount apropriate for that year is paid. Members whose subscriptions are more than six months in arrears shall, after due
notice has been served on them, be deemed to have resigned their membership of the Society.
(iv) Upon enrolment a receipt shall be given and be deemed sufficient evidence of membership for the current year.
(v) Membership of the Society shall entitle members to any facilities or privileges extended to the Society by virtue of its affiliation
to other societies or organisations.
(vi) Records or material objects which are in the custody of the Society and information obtained as a result of activities
organised by the Society shall not be used for private gain.
(vii) The name of the Society shall not be used in connection with any individual or group activities except when such activities
have been undertaken after approval by the General Committee. In particular, no excavation may be undertaken by
members in the name of (he Society on their own initiative, nor shall an excavation be started until a Director with
experience and/orqualifications in archaeology has been appointed by the General Committee, Such a Director once
appointed shall be incomplete control of the site archaeologically and responsible for producing in due course a report on
the dig. This rule is not to be taken as precluding individual action in cases of emergency where evidence is likely to be
destroyed almost immediately.
6. The Society shall not be liable for any damage or injury sustained by any of its members in due course of any activities carried out under the direction of the Society or other directing body. Neither shall the Society be liable for any loss or damage to any equipment not the property of the Society used b amember except where a specific undertaking has been given by the Society in writing to cover such loss or damage.
7. The accounts of the Society shall be scrutinised annually by an independent examiner appointed by the Annual General Meeting. Such scrutiny is to be carried out as soon after 31st December each year as is conveniently possible, but in any event prior to the ensuing Annual General Meeting. A copy of the Statement of Accounts shall be made available to each member. All receipts and payments are to be made through the Hon. Treasurer. Cheques are to be signed by the Hon. Treasurer and the Hon.
Secretary or the Hon. Treasurer and Chairman.
8. The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held as soon as is convenient after December 31st each year, and in any case not later than March 31st following. Members shall be given not less than three weeks’ notice of this meeting, and shall at the same time be provided with a copy of the proposed agenda for the meeting. Nominations for vacant posts shall be asked for at the same time, and these should reach the Secretary not less than seven days before the date of the proposed Annual General Meeting.
9. A Special General Meeting must be called by the Secretary on the written application of ten or more members. All members shall be given not less than fourteen days’ notice of such a meeting, and shall be informed of the business to be discussed.
10. (a) Motions to be voted on at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting shall have been circulated to all
members of the Society at least fourteen days before the meeting. The views of members unable to attend the meeting that
have been received in writing by the Secretary at least seven days before the meeting shall be taken into account.
(b) Motions involving any alterations to these rules shall be passed only if at least 2/3rds of those voting (including postal votes)
are in favour. For other motions a simple majority shall suffice.
11. In the event of the winding up of the Society, such funds as remain after the discharge of all liabilities shall be disposed of by
donation to one or more other charitable organisation(s) having similar objectives as approved by a majority of members at a
Special General Meeting, subject to the approval of the Charity Commissioners.
12. Any alteration to these rules shall be made at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.