1968 October p.2
In an attempt to define the number of Roman buildings found in Ewell we give below details of reported sites to date:
1929 Roman tiled floor, 6 feet deep, found outside the vicarage (now Holman Court).
TQ 2214 6281 (Lowther/Likeman)
1959 Roman flint floor 18 inches thick, in St. Mary No. 4 graveyard.
TQ 22187 63011 (R. Likeman)
1961 A furnace pit adjoining the flint floor, identified by Martin Morris as a bath house but disputed by A.S. Phillips, field investigator of the
Ordnance Survey.
TQ 22160 62977
(It is possible that these three may be part of the same building or villa complex)
1934 A row of post holes under Stane Street on the Fairfield Site.
TQ 2205 6235 (A.W.G. Lowther)
1939 Purberry Shot – oven, well, two timber huts with pebble gravel floors (Iron Age/Romano-British), Roman road and other finds.
TQ 2185 6214 (A.W.G. Lowther)
1962 Romano-British occupation site at Persfield including wattle and daub, mortar, roof tiles, bricks (2 bonded) and fragments of window
glass but no foundations.
TQ 2193 6225 (A.H. Jenkins)
1950 Foundations of a Roman building were found under the pavement in front of Market Parade, Ewell.
TQ 2197 6267 (A.W.G. Lowther)
1968 Post holes found at the rear of the King William IV public house.
(R. Caws, NEAS)
1968 Foundation walls found at rear of 3/5 Cheam Road.
(R. Caws, NEAS)
(A total of six, possibly eight Roman buildings found in Ewell and comments are invited from members concerning possible interpretations of these reports)
Roman buildings in Ewell